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Marrying the written word with images, art journaling offers a relaxing, meditative activity that’s much needed in the high tech and super paced world we live in today.

A world often synonymous with multi tasking and keeping up with the an array of physical, mental and emotional demands.  Tall challenges that keep on piling up, one after the other.  Besides expressing oneself, art journaling steers you off the busyness of the day, and into the realm of the calm.

Indeed, it is time for yourself.

By keeping an art journal, you will learn how to process your emotions, document your thoughts, and stay inspired.


There is no right or wrong in keeping an art journal. 

Let no one make the rules.

For this is your personal time and space and the only requirement is FREEDOM of expression.

Make time and space to nurture oneself, and to have some FUN.


Gloria Keh, a former journalist, and three times PATA award winning travel writer of self illustrated travelogues, is also an artist, and has developed workshops and courses in the art of keeping an art journal.  Gloria will facilitate such courses for charity organisations, as well as for individuals, as long as payments are made in donations to charity.  All participants fees are donated to charity. 


Simple breathwork to center oneself, followed by a guided meditation.

Exercises in art journaling wherein all coloring materials will be provided.

Guidelines are provided, and no experience or particular drawing/art skills are required.


For more information email:

If one is a real artist, one can paint a picture in seclusion.  The real artist does not mind who sees the picture, or whether anyone sees it at all, for he has done his creation in different company, in the company of divine spirit beings.  Gods were looking over his shoulder.  He created his picture in the company of Gods.  What does it matter to a genuine artist whether anyone admires his picture or not.  This is the reason why one can be an artist in total solitude.”  - Rudolf Steiner

ART  by  Gloria Keh

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